Email: md@midas.org.bd
Mr. M. Khairul Bashar is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) with broad experience in enterprise and private sector development. His expertise encompasses a wide range of areas, including consulting, training, technical assistance, and project management, all of which he has acquired through engagements with various government bodies as well as national and international agencies. Notably, since 2003, Mr. Bashar has been a dedicated representative of PUM, Netherlands Senior Experts in Bangladesh. This organization, supported by the Dutch Ministry of External Cooperation, extends technical and managerial support to SMEs across more than 30 countries. Previously Mr. Bashar also held senior management positions within MIDAS and other short and long-term consulting projects, showcasing his commitment and familiarity with the organizations operations. His academic background includes an MBA from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Dhaka University, and post-graduate studies at the Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht University, the Netherlands. With this impressive blend of academic qualifications and extensive practical experience, Mr. Bashar is well-equipped to lead MIDAS into a future of continued growth and impact within the realm of SME development.