MIDAS is one of the pioneers in the field of entrepreneurship development and business management training in the country.
Its training capabilities are acknowledged within and outside the country. MIDAS has provided training to entrepreneurs/ individuals, executives, officials of various govt. agencies, national and multinational companies, NGOs, donor assisted projects, commercial banks, etc in the field of
- Entrepreneurship Development
- Business Management
- Leadership Development
- Training of Trainers (TOT)
- Marketing and Salesmanship
- Executive Developmen
- Micro Credit Management, etc.
MIDAS conducted more than 600 training courses for more than 14,000 participants.

Major clients of MIDAS training services include
Donor / International Agencies
DANIDA, GTZ, Technonet Asia-Singapore, USAID, UNDP, NORAD, APCTT, The Asia Foundation, CIDA, Approtech Asia, NCBA-Nepal, ILO, UNIDO, ZDH, Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology of Canada, German Redcross, Plan Bangladesh, The World Bank, NMIDP, IDE, European Commission, UNDP, WFP, Stromme Foundation, SEDF, Helen Keller International, Plan Bangladesh, etc.
Government Agencies
BRDB, DWA, Sonali Bank, BADC, BMET, Jatiyo Mohila Sangstha under Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Janata Bank, PKSF, PDBF, RDA, SME Foundation, SEQAEP under Ministry of Education.
Private organisations / NGOs
BRAC, Action Aid, Caritas Bangladesh, Proshika, Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., CCDB, JOBS, MCCI, USC-Canada, Concern Worldwide, WARBE Development Foundation, ADD International, ARBAN, Shakti Foundation, Rotaract District Organization Bangladesh, etc
For details please contact:
Mr. Md. Ebrahim Hossain
Assistant General Manage
PABX: +88-02-41021281,41021282, 41021283, 41021279
Email: ebrahim@midas.org.bd