Distribution of Publications
MIDAS provides useful information services through its technical libraries in its head office in Dhaka and branch offices in Chittagong and Khulna.

MIDAS is the distributor of publications of the following foreign organization:
- The World Bank
- The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)
The publications of above organizations are sold in local currency. Attractive Discounts are offered on these publications.
In addition MIDAS also works as local agent for distribution of nationally renowned publications of the following organizations:
- University Press Limited (UPL)
- Academic Press Publisher Library (APPL)
As part of dissemination of information, MIDAS publishes quarterly new bulletin MIDAS News and circulates to organizations such as chambers of commerce, trade associations, government agencies, banks and financial institutions, diplomatic missions, international organizations, NGOs, donor agencies and selected individuals working as development practitioners at national and international levels.
For details please contact:
Mr. Md. Ebrahim Hossain
Assistant General Manager
PABX: +88-02-41021281,41021282, 41021283, 41021279
Email: ebrahim@midas.org.bd