MIDAS' Success in Managing Special Development Projects
Apart for the core services, MIDAS has successfully been implementing and managing several special projects on behalf of various development agencies, the responsibilities of which has been carried by in-house professionals. In some instances, external consultants were engaged. The following are some of the projects managed and implemented by MIDAS:
Business Facilitation Unit (BFU)
European Union assisted project for providing need based services (new technologies, buyers, key value chain actors, etc.) to the Jute Diversified Products producing SMEs of Bangladesh. MIDAS established BFU in its office premise and operated during its initial period.
Special Project Facility (SPF)
European Union assisted project, under which MIDAS provided Entrepreneurship and Skill Development training to retrenched readymade garment women workers in Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi and Jessore.
Equity and Entrepreneurship Fund (EEF)
A special program of Bangladesh Bank, through which equity support is extended to potential entrepreneurs in the agribusiness and computer software sectors. MIDAS is actively involved in the EEF program and has been playing a pivotal role in appraising and developing various projects under the program. MIDAS apprised number of projects under EEF.
Business Advisory Services Centre (BASC)
A USAID-funded project, specializing in delivering specific services to trade and industry. MIDAS was instrumental in its establishment and its operation during initial years.
Promotion of the Private Sector (PPS)
Promotion of the Private Sector (PPS) Component B – A multi-year GTZ project, aimed at promotion and development of entrepreneurship and small and micro enterprises in Bangladesh. MIDAS acted as implementation agency and later on one of the partners of GTZ.
Human Resource Development Project
A joint project of Humber College of Applied Arts and Science, Canada and MIDAS, under which a series of short professional development courses on various topics were organized in Dhaka and Chittagong. MIDAS selected participants and arranged all the necessary logistics for the courses facilitated by top ranking Canadian trainers.
Small Enterprise Development Project (SEDP)
MIDAS assisted SEDP, a project of NORAD and Bangladesh Bank in implementing the Innovative Industries Credit Line (IICL). Identification of innovative and commercially viable projects, preparation of feasibility studies and post finance monitoring were carried out by MIDAS.
Textile Development Program (TDP)
Textile Development Program (TDP) - of Ford Foundation was supervised by MIDAS. It was a pilot project testing the textile and handloom weaving sector and the different models of entrepreneurship development.
Silk Development Project
Silk Development Project- of Swiss Development Corporation (SDC) was also managed by MIDAS. On a test basis, a few projects in the silk producing areas in Bangladesh were provided with technical and financial assistance.
Local Rural Poor Employment Promotion (LORPEP)
Local Rural Poor Employment Promotion (LORPEP) - was a DANIDA funded project under Noakhali Rural Development Program (NRDP). MIDAS played the role of consultant for 4 years in identifying entrepreneurs, preparing feasibility studies and monitoring projects after financing.
For details please contact:
M. Khairul Bashar
Managing Director
PABX: +88-02-41021281,41021282, 41021283, 41021279
Email: md@midas.org.bd