UNDP and MIDAS officials at Bainpara, Dacope Upazilla, Khulna as part of LDRRF independent monitoring of CDMP II
MIDAS Driving Development: A Comprehensive Overview of Enterprise and Socio-Economic Initiatives
MIDAS carries out, as part of its enterprise and socio economic development initiative, studies and research on a regular basis. These studies and research serve as a practical guide and a useful tool for productive investment and decision making.
This program of MIDAS includes: Market survey, Socio-economic study, Sub-sectoral analysis, Baseline survey, Market testing of products , Project Monitoring and Evaluation study, Business Plan preparation / Feasibility Study, Diagnostic study, Sick industry rehabilitation study, Action research, etc. MIDAS has so far conducted more than 1200 studies and research.
The major clients for these services are: Donor / International Agencies: UNDP, The World Bank, DANIDA,The Asia Foundation, ICDDR-B, The Ford Foundation, UNICEF, ESCAP, ILO, USAID, UNFPA, GTZ, IDE, NORAD, WIF, Technonet Asia, IVS, CIDA, ITDG, Katalyst, Swisscontact, Save the Children International, Stromme Foundation, SABINCO, International Consultancy Group (ICG) of Australia, European Commission, JOBS, etc Government Agencies: BIDS, BRDB, BSEC, BCIC, JMS under Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Sonali Bank, Bangladesh Bank, Investment Corporation of Bangladesh, PKSF Private organisations /Multinational Companies/ NGOs : BTC, Bangladesh Development Group, Social marketing Company, MCC, YWCA, RDRS, BRAC, IPDC, CARITAS, PACT-Bangladesh, PROSHIKA, Rahimafrooz (BD) Ltd, Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., Bachte Shekha, BEXIMCO, SMC, etc.
For details please contact:
M. Khairul Bashar
Managing Director
PABX: +88-02-41021281,41021282, 41021283, 41021279
Email: md@midas.org.bd