Professor Dr. A N M Meshquat Uddin, Vice Chancellor, Southeast University and Dr. A. S. M. Masi-ur-Rahman, Managing Director of Micro Industries Development Assistance and Services (MIDAS), signed an agreement on behalf of their respective organizations on Wednesday, 19 July, 2017 at Southeast University Conference Room. Under this agreement, MIDAS will organize a 4 day long Training courses on Business Plan Preparation for the students of School of Business Studies of Southeast University.
Ms. Parveen Mahmud, FCA, Chairman, MIDAS Board of Directors, Mr. M. Kamaluddin Chowdhury, Representative Member, BOT, Southeast University Trust, Dr. Farhana Ferdousi, Assistant Professor, School of Business Studies, southeast University and Dr. Mehe Zebunnesa, Director BBA Programme, School of Business Studies, Southeast University were present in the agreement signing ceremony.
Finaancial Express: 21 July 2017
The Daily Star: 21 July 2017