A person with a brilliant academic career, Mr. S.M.Al-Husainy studied Physics and Electrical Engineering under Calcutta University and leaving behind a lucrative job with a multinational company in India, he joined public service with the then Government of East Pakistan in 1950. Originally planned to stay for only 2 years to see what it was like in the new state of Pakistan, owing to dire shortage of qualified professional people at that time and other reasons, he worked for the Government of East Pakistan and then the Government of Independent Bangladesh for nearly 42 years. Mr. Al-Husainy’s last position in the Power sector under EPWAPDA was General Manager, Power, the highest position by which time under his leadership a very substantial network of transmission and distribution system and generation with capacity of nearly 500 MW was established starting from an insignificant base. In recognition of his contributions to public service, the then Government of Pakistan had awarded him a Tamgha-i-Quaede Azam (TQA) in 1963 and a Sitara-i-Khidmat (SK) in 1969 (since renounced in the wake of the war of Independence). Immediately after the Independence Mr. Al-Husainy’s Services were reverted back to the Government with his appointment in January 1972 as a Secretary to the Government. The Ministries and Divisions in which he worked in that capacity included Flood Control, Water Resources and Power, Natural Resources (covering Petroleum and Minerals), Science and Technologies Research, Planning Commission (as a Member looking after Energy, Industry, Education Sectors among others) as well as the Ministry of Industries. While in Government, he served many important public sector organizations either as their Chairman or a Member of their executive bodies. To mention some, he was a Member of the Bangladesh Bank Board for many years, Bangladesh Biman, Bangladesh Shilpa Bank, Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha (the two merged later as BDBL), IPDC. He was the Founding Chairman of SABINCO and Managing Director of Bangladesh Krishi Bank. He also served as the Chairman of a large number of Financial Enterprises and also other National Institutions. Mr. Al-Husainy’s last job with the Government was as the Chairman, Bangladesh Public Service Commission, where he made a large number of very important reforms. Mr. Al-Husainy represented the country in many national and international forum and has been the chief negotiator for important aid inputs to the country from multilateral and bilateral sources. Some of his notable contributions included, among others, launching for the first time a plan for Universal Primary Education and Non-fromal Mass Education; preparing the first National Plan of Action for Education for All; introducing mathematical modeling for comprehensive energy studies; first ever Trade and Industrial Reform Policy studies; as a lead for privatization policies of industries. Acted as the main driving force for establishment of the Rural Electrification Board and Export Processing Zone Authority; launching in 1982 the New Industrial Policy and implementing the largest disinvestment program in history of Bangladesh, etc. Mr. Al-Husainy was twice the President of Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)-the highest professional body for engineers in the country. Mr. Al-Husainy had also been a senior consultant in International Organizations such as ADB, The World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO. He is a founder Trustee of the ESTCDT, the founding body of the Independent University Bangladesh (IUB), the first Chairman of its Governing Council. Currently Chairman of Chittagong Independent University (CIU), Vice-president of National Heart Foundation, Chairman, Bangladesh Chapter of Society for International Development (SID), Member, Executive Committee of Ahsania Mission and a Fellow of CPD. He was the recipient of IEB Gold Medal for professional excellence as well as that of Ahsania Gold Medal for Social Service. Throughout his career he has been an avid social volunteer and a dedicated Rotarian.